Refund Request (Apple - iOS)

How Do I Request a Refund for a Payment from Made Through the App Store (Apple)?

Can I get a refund for a payment made on my subscription through Apple?

You may be able to receive a refund if it's in line with Apple's refund policy.

Please note that this refund method is ONLY for those signed up through the App Store.

How To Request a Refund:

1. Find your Apple receipt - if you search Your purchase from Apple in your email, all your Apple receipts should come up.

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2. On your receipt, select Report a Problem

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3. This will redirect you to Apple's problem reports page. On this page, click the dropdown section that says I'd like to...

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4. Select Request a Refund

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5. Click the Tell us more... dropdown to select a reason for refunding

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6. Select the purchase that you'd like refunded


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Apple should respond within a few days to a week.

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